Source code for aiochclient.client

import json as json_
import warnings
from enum import Enum
from types import TracebackType
from typing import Any, AsyncGenerator, BinaryIO, Dict, List, Optional, Type

from aiochclient.exceptions import ChClientError
from import HttpClientABC
from aiochclient.records import FromJsonFabric, Record, RecordsFabric
from aiochclient.sql import sqlparse

# Optional cython extension:
    from aiochclient._types import json2ch, py2ch, rows2ch
except ImportError:
    from aiochclient.types import json2ch, py2ch, rows2ch

class QueryTypes(Enum):
    FETCH = 0
    INSERT = 1
    OTHER = 2

[docs] class ChClient: """ChClient connection class. Usage: .. code-block:: python async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as s: client = ChClient(s, compress_response=True) nums = await client.fetch("SELECT number FROM system.numbers LIMIT 100") :param aiohttp.ClientSession session: aiohttp client session. Please, use one session and one ChClient for all connections in your app. :param str url: Clickhouse server url. Need full path, like "http://localhost:8123/". :param str user: User name for authorization. :param str password: Password for authorization. :param str database: Database name. :param bool compress_response: Pass True if you want Clickhouse to compress its responses with gzip. They will be decompressed automatically. But overall it will be slightly slower. :param **settings: Any settings from """ __slots__ = ("_session", "url", "params", "headers", "_json", "_http_client") def __init__( self, session=None, url: str = "http://localhost:8123/", user: str = None, password: str = None, database: str = "default", compress_response: bool = False, json=json_, # type: ignore **settings, ): _http_client = HttpClientABC.choose_http_client(session) self._http_client = _http_client(session) self.url = url self.params = {} self.headers = {} if user: self.headers["X-ClickHouse-User"] = user if password: self.headers["X-ClickHouse-Key"] = password if database: self.params["database"] = database if compress_response: self.params["enable_http_compression"] = 1 self._json = json self.params.update(settings) async def __aenter__(self) -> 'ChClient': return self async def __aexit__( self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_val: Optional[BaseException], exc_tb: Optional[TracebackType], ) -> None: await self.close()
[docs] async def close(self) -> None: """Close the session""" await self._http_client.close()
[docs] async def is_alive(self) -> bool: """Checks if connection is Ok. Usage: .. code-block:: python assert await client.is_alive() :return: True if connection Ok. False instead. """ try: await self._http_client.get( url=self.url, params={**self.params, "query": "SELECT 1"}, headers=self.headers, ) except ChClientError: return False return True
@staticmethod def _prepare_query_params(params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None): if params is None: return {} if not isinstance(params, dict): raise TypeError('Query params must be a Dict[str, Any]') prepared_query_params = {} for key, value in params.items(): prepared_query_params[key] = py2ch(value).decode('utf-8') return prepared_query_params async def _execute( self, query: str, *args, json: bool = False, query_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, query_id: str = None, decode: bool = True, ) -> AsyncGenerator[Record, None]: query_params = self._prepare_query_params(query_params) if query_params: query = query.format(**query_params) need_fetch, is_json, statement_type = self._parse_squery(query) if not is_json and json: query += " FORMAT JSONEachRow" is_json = True if not is_json and need_fetch: query += " FORMAT TSVWithNamesAndTypes" if args: if statement_type != 'INSERT': raise ChClientError( "It is possible to pass arguments only for INSERT queries" ) params = {**self.params, "query": query} if is_json: data = json2ch(*args, dumps=self._json.dumps) else: data = rows2ch(*args) else: params = {**self.params} data = query.encode() if query_id is not None: params["query_id"] = query_id if need_fetch: response = self._http_client.post_return_lines( url=self.url, params=params, headers=self.headers, data=data ) if is_json: rf = FromJsonFabric(loads=self._json.loads) async for line in response: yield else: rf = RecordsFabric( names=await response.__anext__(), tps=await response.__anext__(), convert=decode, ) async for line in response: yield else: await self._http_client.post_no_return( url=self.url, params=params, headers=self.headers, data=data )
[docs] async def execute( self, query: str, *args, json: bool = False, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, query_id: str = None, ) -> None: """Execute query. Returns None. :param str query: Clickhouse query string. :param args: Arguments for insert queries. :param bool json: Execute query in JSONEachRow mode. :param Optional[Dict[str, Any]] params: Params to escape inside query string on field values. :param str query_id: Clickhouse query_id. Usage: .. code-block:: python await client.execute( "CREATE TABLE t (a UInt8, b Tuple(Date, Nullable(Float32)) ) ENGINE = Memory" ) await client.execute( "INSERT INTO t VALUES", (1, (, 9, 7), None)), (2, (, 9, 8), 3.14)), ) await client.execute( "SELECT * FROM t WHERE a={u8}", params={"u8": 12} ) :return: Nothing. """ async for _ in self._execute( query, *args, json=json, query_params=params, query_id=query_id ): return None
[docs] async def fetch( self, query: str, *args, json: bool = False, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, query_id: str = None, decode: bool = True, ) -> List[Record]: """Execute query and fetch all rows from query result at once in a list. :param query: Clickhouse query string. :param bool json: Execute query in JSONEachRow mode. :param Optional[Dict[str, Any]] params: Params to escape inside query string. :param str query_id: Clickhouse query_id. :param decode: Decode to python types. If False, returns bytes for each field instead. Usage: .. code-block:: python all_rows = await client.fetch("SELECT * FROM t") :return: All rows from query. """ return [ row async for row in self._execute( query, *args, json=json, query_params=params, query_id=query_id, decode=decode, ) ]
[docs] async def fetchrow( self, query: str, *args, json: bool = False, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, query_id: str = None, decode: bool = True, ) -> Optional[Record]: """Execute query and fetch first row from query result or None. :param query: Clickhouse query string. :param bool json: Execute query in JSONEachRow mode. :param Optional[Dict[str, Any]] params: Params to escape inside query string. :param str query_id: Clickhouse query_id. :param decode: Decode to python types. If False, returns bytes for each field instead. Usage: .. code-block:: python row = await client.fetchrow("SELECT * FROM t WHERE a=1") assert row[0] == 1 assert row["b"] == (, 9, 7), None) :return: First row from query or None if there no results. """ async for row in self._execute( query, *args, json=json, query_params=params, query_id=query_id, decode=decode, ): return row return None
[docs] async def fetchone(self, query: str, *args) -> Optional[Record]: """Deprecated. Use ``fetchrow`` method instead""" warnings.warn( "'fetchone' method is deprecated. Use 'fetchrow' method instead", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) return await self.fetchrow(query, *args)
[docs] async def fetchval( self, query: str, *args, json: bool = False, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, query_id: str = None, decode: bool = True, ) -> Any: """Execute query and fetch first value of the first row from query result or None. :param query: Clickhouse query string. :param bool json: Execute query in JSONEachRow mode. :param Optional[Dict[str, Any]] params: Params to escape inside query string. :param str query_id: Clickhouse query_id. :param decode: Decode to python types. If False, returns bytes for each field instead. Usage: .. code-block:: python val = await client.fetchval("SELECT b FROM t WHERE a=2") assert val == (, 9, 8), 3.14) :return: First value of the first row or None if there no results. """ async for row in self._execute( query, *args, json=json, query_params=params, query_id=query_id, decode=decode, ): if row: return row[0] return None
[docs] async def iterate( self, query: str, *args, json: bool = False, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, query_id: str = None, decode: bool = True, ) -> AsyncGenerator[Record, None]: """Async generator by all rows from query result. :param str query: Clickhouse query string. :param bool json: Execute query in JSONEachRow mode. :param Optional[Dict[str, Any]] params: Params to escape inside query string. :param str query_id: Clickhouse query_id. :param decode: Decode to python types. If False, returns bytes for each field instead. Usage: .. code-block:: python async for row in client.iterate( "SELECT number, number*2 FROM system.numbers LIMIT 10000" ): assert row[0] * 2 == row[1] async for row in client.iterate( "SELECT number, number*2 FROM system.numbers LIMIT {numbers_limit}", params={"numbers_limit": 10000} ): assert row[0] * 2 == row[1] :return: Rows one by one. """ async for row in self._execute( query, *args, json=json, query_params=params, query_id=query_id, decode=decode, ): yield row
[docs] async def cursor(self, query: str, *args) -> AsyncGenerator[Record, None]: """Deprecated. Use ``iterate`` method instead""" warnings.warn( "'cursor' method is deprecated. Use 'iterate' method instead", PendingDeprecationWarning, ) async for row in self.iterate(query, *args): yield row
[docs] async def insert_file( self, query: str, file_obj: BinaryIO, params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """Insert file in any suppoted by ClickHouse format. Returns None. :param str query: Clickhouse query string which include format part. :param bool file_obj: File object to insert. :param Optional[Dict[str, Any]] params: Params to escape inside query string. Usage: .. code-block:: python with open('data.csv', 'rb') as f: await client.insert_file( "INSERT INTO t FORMAT CSV",, ) with open('data.json', 'rb') as f: await client.insert_file( "INSERT INTO t FORMAT JSONEachRow",, ) response = requests.get("https://url_to_download_parquet_file") await client.insert_file( "INSERT INTO t FORMAT Parquet", response.content, ) :return: Nothing. """ self._check_insert_file_query(query) query_params = self._prepare_query_params(params) if query_params: query = query.format(**query_params) params = {**self.params, "query": query} await self._http_client.post_no_return( url=self.url, params=params, headers=self.headers, data=file_obj, )
@staticmethod def _parse_squery(query): statement = sqlparse.parse(query)[0] statement_type = statement.get_type() if statement_type in ('SELECT', 'SHOW', 'DESCRIBE', 'EXISTS'): need_fetch = True else: need_fetch = False fmt = statement.token_matching( (lambda tk: tk.match(sqlparse.tokens.Keyword, 'FORMAT'),), 0 ) if fmt: is_json = statement.token_matching( (lambda tk: tk.match(None, ['JSONEachRow']),), statement.token_index(fmt) + 1, ) else: is_json = False return need_fetch, is_json, statement_type @staticmethod def _check_insert_file_query(query: str) -> None: statement = sqlparse.parse(query)[0] if statement.get_type() != 'INSERT': raise ChClientError('It is possible to insert file only with INSERT query') if not statement.token_matching( (lambda tk: tk.match(sqlparse.tokens.Keyword, 'FORMAT'),), 0 ): raise ChClientError( 'To insert file its required to specify `FORMAT [...] in the query.' )